Read Surah Hashr Last 3 Ayat in English

Surah Hashr, a chapter in the Quran rich with wisdom and guidance, concludes with three powerful verses that resonate with profound spiritual significance. These last three ayat encapsulate essential teachings, offering believers a source of reflection, protection, and connection with the divine. In this exploration, we will delve into the meaning of the last three ayat of Surah Hashr, uncovering the benefits and blessings associated with their recitation.

Meaning of Surah Hashr Last 3 Ayat:

The last three ayat of Surah Hashr (59:22-24) carry a message of divine attributes and attributes of the believers. They emphasize Allah’s greatness, mercy, and sovereignty over all things. The verses also highlight the characteristics of the believers, underscoring the importance of faith, kindness, and righteousness.

Surah Hashr Last 3 Ayat English Translation:

The English translation of the last three ayat of Surah Hashr is as follows:

Verse 22: “He is Allah, there is no deity except Him. Knower of the unseen and the witnessed. He is the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.”

Verse 23: “He is Allah, there is no deity except Him. The Sovereign, the Holy, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme. Exalted is Allah above whatever they associate with Him.”

Verse 24: “He is Allah, the Creator, the Inventor, the Fashioner; to Him belong the best names. Whatever is in the heavens and earth is exalting Him. And He is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.”

Benefits and Blessings of Reading Surah Hashr Last 3 Ayat:

  1. Recognition of Allah’s Attributes: Reciting the last three ayat of Surah Hashr allows believers to reflect on the various attributes of Allah, recognizing His knowledge, mercy, sovereignty, and creative power.
  2. Seeking Allah’s Protection: The verses serve as a supplication for Allah’s protection, emphasizing His qualities as the Source of Peace, the Guardian of Faith, and the Preserver of Safety.
  3. Affirmation of Faith: By reciting these verses, believers affirm their belief in the oneness of Allah and declare His supreme attributes, acknowledging His sovereignty over everything.
  4. Connection with Allah: The recitation of these ayat fosters a deep connection with Allah, inspiring a sense of awe and reverence for His divine qualities.

Relevant Authentic Hadiths:

  1. The Benefits of Recitation: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) highlighted the significance of reciting these verses by stating, “Whoever recites the last three verses of Surah Hashr in the evening and dies that night, he will enter Paradise. And whoever recites them in the morning and dies that day, he will enter Paradise.” (Tirmidhi)
  2. Protection from Evil: The Prophet (peace be upon him) emphasized the protective nature of these verses, saying, “Whoever recites the last three verses of Surah Hashr, they will be a protection for him against the plotting of every devil and against every envious person. So, whoever recites them, nothing will harm him that day.” (Ibn Kathir)
  3. Affirmation of Faith: The Prophet (peace be upon him) encouraged believers to recite these verses regularly, stating, “They are your safeguard from everything except the punishment of Allah.” (Abu Dawood)


The last three ayat of Surah Hashr offer a profound and comprehensive understanding of Allah’s attributes and the qualities of believers. Reciting these verses not only serves as a supplication for divine protection but also fosters a deeper connection with the Almighty. The benefits and blessings associated with the recitation of these ayat extend beyond immediate protection, providing believers with a spiritual anchor in their daily lives. As Muslims engage with the teachings of Surah Hashr, they find a timeless source of guidance and solace, reaffirming their faith and devotion to Allah.

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